
The Inner Struggles

Inner struggle meaning, the Lord is good because He gives us strength to fight our inner battles. His goodness endures forever. God saves His people.

While the believer is on this earth, purchased by the blood of the Lamb, there are struggles. We experience tension, depression, and stress—this is all at work in the life of a believer. We are passing through the war of the mind.

There is a battle going on in our thoughts and thought life. There is so much traffic going on in our mind that sometimes we can be very confused and frustrated. The mind is the battle ground. The forces of evil are working very hard on man’s thought life to discourage him and to keep him away from the presence, person, power and purpose of God.

Man cannot win this war by himself. When he tries by himself, he goes more deep into the mud. When he asks the Savior, He comes to rescue him, to encourage him, to strengthen him and to grant him direction and light.

Life is a constant war. There are so many fronts when the war goes on. Sometimes the war is on one front; we (human beings) want victory. We want to get rid of this war from this front. God helps us and we are set free. Then the adversary opens up a second front; the battle continues. The adversary attacks and the Savior comes along to deliver us.

Now I earnestly ask this question to myself. Where do I stand?  To be very open and frank to myself and God, I must admit that I fail many times. It gives me great discouragement to admit this, but thank God, He brings me up and delivers me. I do not understand and do not know when and how the battle will start, and how long it will continue.

But I know I need the mercy of God. I need the grace of God to get through and to win this war. The spiritual walk is not easy by oneself. Only by the help of God almighty can we move forward. This war will continue as long as we are in this world. Only when we enter heaven, the war will be over.

Oh Lord, grant me grace to overcome.

Oh Lord, help me to fight the good fight, with boldness, courage and victory.

The enemy is crafty and tactful. Send your holy angels to fight for us.

Let your spirit surround us; let your Son manifest His glory and power against the enemy.

The battle is always going on. It is always in our thoughts and minds. Sometimes we encounter our enemy face to face.

Thank God we have victory in Jesus.

How is your battle going, my friend?

Be strong. You are on the winning side. The enemy has been defeated by the work which was done on the cross through our Lord Jesus Christ. You can find lots of inner struggle quotes on internet for more information

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