Hope In You


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Our Authors

Samuel Gill has been serving as a National Director of Ambassadors

for Christ International Pakistan since 1982. At present, he has working

With the International Director AFCI Rev. Paul Hanak and Regional Director Rev Barnabas Mam from Cambodia. Samuel has travelled widely in the country as a Bible Teacher, Preacher, Church Planter, Trainer and Counselor.

Samuel was born in a Christian family. He Received Christ as this personal Saviours in early age. His father, known as Brother William Gill served as a Pastor at Emmanuel Church Rawalpindi for more than five decades.

Samuel has earned his Bachelor’s degree major in Psychology from University of Punjab and then his

Masters of Divinity degree major in Church Studies from the Asian theological Seminary Manila, Philippines.

He and his wife, Iris have been blessed with three children; Ruby, Robinson and Solomon. They and their partners are also serving the Lord. God has also blessed Samuel and Iris with five grand