We are social beings. We live among people. We relate, express, communicate and react. Some people live under one roof but are mentally and emotionally thousands of miles away from those around them. Some people live thousands of miles away from each other but they are knit together, they are very close to each other. They express their deep emotions to each other, get advice from each other. They share their joys and sorrows with one another.
Do you feel lonely? When you feel lonely, how do you respond?

Maybe you have never experienced loneliness. You may be a strong person. You can face all kinds of situations and circumstances.
Sometimes I feel that I am so lonely. I don’t feel hesitant to say so. It is a fact. It is a reality. There is a season in life when we feel this loneliness. It is normal and natural. Life does not travel on the same scale or pace. There is day and night, joy and sorrow, mountains and valleys, spring and autumn, pastures and deserts, noises and calmness, panic and peace, sorrows and serenity.
Loneliness is very dangerous. If it prevails, it kills. It brings so many negative thoughts into the human mind. However, as born again people, believers in Christ, we have someone who cares and promised not to leave us alone.
Jesus said, ‘Be not afraid’
Matthew 17:7
I will give you rest
Matthew 11:28
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you
John 14:27
I will not leave you comfortless
John 14:18
I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
Matthew 28:20
What comforting words of God taking away our loneliness!
Have you experienced the reality and power of these words?
These words have life and through these words, the life is transmitted to the person who listens, believes and accepts these words.
The world, secular human beings have no hope. They are helpless. They live in their rationale. They do not believe in spiritual things, spiritual truths. They are ignorant of God’s word and his promises.
We thank God for Jesus who came in this world to die for our sins and gave us life and saving us from loneliness. He is with us and takes away our loneliness and makes us one with Him and with other children of God who are purchased with the precious blood of Christ. We are precious; the world does not know the secret. God cares for us. He overshadows us with His holy presence. He commands His angels to surround us. He turns our loneliness into joy. We are no longer lonely.
Lord take away my loneliness. Help me to experience:
Your bonds, Your joy,
Your fellowship, Your closeness, Your communion.
I know You are always with me:
You are my comrade, my companion, my friend.
You are the source of my joy, my comfort, my peace.
You are my best friend.
Help me to be faithful to You:
To love You, to serve You, to honor You,
To worship You, to adore You.
Help me to be strong,
Deep; firm in You, and then I can say, I am not lonely.
Help me Oh God!