What is Denial of Peter story?
The Apostle Peter was a strong man. He was a fisherman, and he wholeheartedly followed Christ. He was a very bold and brave disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. He was a zealous, passionate person. When Jesus said,
“I will be crucified,” Peter responded, “If everybody leaves you, I will not leave you, even if I have to die with you!”
What a claim! He touched his last boundary of faithfulness. Lord I will die with you. Lord, may you help each one of us to be so faithful to Him till the last breath of our life and last drop of blood in our bodies. But the claim of Peter could not stand the test of the time. Eventually, Peter denied his Lord thrice. He said to the woman.
“I do not know Him. I do not understand what you are saying.”
Peter was afraid that he might be arrested with Jesus.
This is a picture of utter human weakness. Man is unstable. It is one thing to say a thing, and it is a different thing to do it; easy to say, but difficult to do. Human claims are feeble and weak.
We can do nothing by ourselves. If God helps us then we can move forward. All our human claims, our boastings, are null and void before God.

Jesus knew beforehand that Peter would deny him three times. He is perfect God. He knows our past, present, and future. Jesus knew how Peter would respond in the future. Even now God knows what is going on in our minds and what we will do in the future.
Peter represents all of mankind; we say so many things and do nothing. We just talk, and talk only.
Peter had a living conscience, and when he remembered what Jesus had said to him, he wept bitterly. He knew he was wrong. He knew he betrayed Jesus by his words, by his “No,” by saying, “I do not know Him. I do not know what you are talking about!”
This passage of Scripture is also a picture of his true confession. It was natural. It was genuine.
Lord, may you help us not to deny Christ in difficult times and to stand firm in hard times.
If any one of you has already backslidden or gone astray, may the Lord help you to come back, confess your sins, and be restored to relationship with God through our beloved Lord Jesus Christ. You can find more about Denial of peter bible verse and denial of peter to jesus etc.
Be blessed.