
Under Thy Cross 

Under Thy Cross I stand, and see my wretchedness, my filth, my dirt, and my sins. There are many who are saying, “Crucify Him, crucify Him!” I am also one of them who is shouting crucify Him. As You hang on that Cross, hands pierced and feet nailed, your words are so soothing and comforting, “Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing.”

Jesus is appealing for me before the Father, pleading for my forgiveness. I was such a tyrant, so harsh and so cruel, but his words were soothing, so polite and so comforting. I could not comprehend this scenario.

The mob is there, and the soldiers; the priests are there, and the religious scholars are there to watch his execution, to see their dreams fulfilled. I was part of the mob. He looked at me with love and compassion and asked the Father in heaven, “Father forgive Samuel, please. He is unaware what he is doing, forgive him Father.”

I looked at Him and He looked at me and I looked at myself. I could see my filth, my dirt, my sins, my fallen condition, my wretchedness, my nakedness, my blindness, my miserable condition. It all flashed back like thunder. I fell down at the foot of the Cross. His blood washed away my sins. He made me a new creation. The joy flowed into my soul. My inner being was enlightened. I saw myself as a new person. My load of sin was rolled away. My face was radiant; my eyes were full of brightness. There was light, hope, joy, peace, comfort, satisfaction, contentment, serenity and love penetrating and floating into my whole being.

I looked at Him and He looked at me and I looked at myself. I could see my filth, my dirt, my sins, my fallen condition, my wretchedness, my nakedness, my blindness, my miserable condition. It all flashed back like thunder. I fell down at the foot of the Cross. His blood washed away my sins. He made me a new creation. The joy flowed into my soul. My inner being was enlightened. I saw myself as a new person. My load of sin was rolled away. My face was radiant; my eyes were full of brightness. There was light, hope, joy, peace, comfort, satisfaction, contentment, serenity and love penetrating and floating into my whole being.

Now the sun was in its full youth. The heat was scorching. He hung on the cross. He was helpless, although if He wished He could have called twelve legions of angels (in one Roman legion there were 6,000 soldiers) but He was totally defenseless. He chose not to defend Himself.

I could see the stains of His blood on the Cross which had dried up due to the heat of the sun. As a perfect human being, He became thirsty as He hung on the Cross for more than five hours. He asked for water, but the soldiers offered him vinegar. He refused to take it.

Then He said, “It is finished.” I have completed the task for which I descended from above and loudly He said, “Father, I give My soul into Thy hand,” then gave His last breath.

I was stunned as I watched. He did not speak a negative word from the Cross; He did not get mad toward His persecutors. He was calm. He was doing his assignment; His assignment to reconcile sinful man to holy God, and he was successful.

Under Thy Cross I stand,

I thank Thee for saving my soul

Granting me life eternal and abundant

Forgiving all my sins.

Under Thy Cross I stand,

As a new creature, a saved sinner

Citizen of heaven, waiting for the moment

When You will take me home

Under Thy Cross I stand,

Waiting for the great day

To be united with You

Living with You forevermore,

Praising and thanking Thy great name

Under Thy Cross I stand,

And I promise to share Your love

With lost humanity

With love and compassion

Under Thy Cross I stand,

To stretch my hands

To help the needy

To sustain the falling one and to encourage the discouraged

Under Thy Cross I stand,

To be Thy feet

To be Thy hands

To be Thy mouth

Help me to do so, Master

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