Faisal is the eldest son of Michael. Faisal finished high school and wanted to help his parents. He went to Islamabad to work in a Chinese construction company, and there he learned the skill of welding.
One day Faisal’s welding project was located sixty feet off the ground. In his task, according to the safety rules, he wore very strong shoes, a helmet, and a safety belt around his waist. As he worked that day the time came that he needed a welding rod, which required that he move from his safe position to get it.
So he loosened his belt and moved backward to pick up the rod. He lost his balance and within few seconds he was on the ground. His comrades rushed him to the hospital and they told the doctor what happened.
Faisal explained later that the doctor had said to him,
“Which power carried you and brought you to the ground?”
The doctor was totally astonished. He said, “I cannot believe that you survived”
After falling from a height of sixty feet!
Faisal told the doctor that, “My Jesus brought me safely to the ground, and Jesus brought me alright”.
Faisal stayed in the hospital for two weeks then was discharged. Now he is at home, still on medication and must go for regular checkups. A special jacket to hold his chest and ribs secure is necessary at night while he sleeps.
Faisal is happy and at peace, because God gave him a new life. He has two younger sisters and two younger brothers. They take good care of him in these days.
I asked him, “What you think about this accident? How do you see your life?
“Why did God spare your life?”
And I encouraged him to seriously ask God how He wants him to spend the rest of his life, to consider giving his life totally to God for His service.
Pray that the Lord may fully heal Faisal and he may return to his normal life soon. And may the divine will of the Lord be fulfilled.