For a great door and effectual is opened unto me
1 Corinthians 16:9
For every believer and Christian worker, God opens a door to enter into ministry. Sometimes believers are too quick and fast, they want to jump into the open door or opportunity before God’s time, and they get hurt. And some people are so slow, sluggish and lazy that they lose the opportunity. They knock at the door but the door is already closed. They may hit the door so hard that they hurt themselves badly.
We must wait for the proper opportunity and the right time to enter into the open door. Sometimes, while the door is still open, we lose our opportunity to enter and are quick to blame others for our delay or failure.
God is impartial. He grants equal opportunities to everybody. It is up to us how we avail them. Let us pray and wait to see which door God has opened for us.
Maybe you are very upset, discouraged, or depressed. You may think you are a failure in your work and ministry. Pray, and ask for guidance. The Lord will show you a wide open door. Maybe today God has shown you an open door. By faith you have to grab and utilize it. Keep your eyes open. Keep looking for the open door and utilize the opportunity.
You know yourself what is a useful and wide door open for you. It can be your rural ministry, an urban ministry, your writing work, your Bible study group, cell group, your ministry of visitation to the sick and elderly, counseling, encouraging others, writing letters of encouragement, encouraging through phone calls to people who are living far away from you, where it is not possible for you to travel because of your health, time, and finances.
There can be so many open doors for you. You can pray and enter into one door. You can ask guidance from above and He will certainly help you. You can get the counsel of your friends too.
Take advantage of the great and open door today.