
Mother and Child 

The mother and child relationship is the most beautiful relationship on the face of this earth. This is the strongest relationship. All other relationships are weak and temporary in comparison with this one. When a person reaches old age, becomes ill and the pain comes, he or she will cry out, “Oh, my mother!”  Whether or not mother is dead and the person with pain is old, still mother’s name is called.

God is also described as a mother who takes good care of His children. God says, even a mother can forsake her child but I will not forsake you;

But Zion said, The LORD hath forsaken me, and my Lord hath forgotten me. Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee

Isaiah 49:14-15

How sweet, deep and interlinked is the mother and child relationship! The child is conceived in the womb of her mother. All the physical, emotional, psychological, and mental nourishment comes from the mother; all the warmth comes from the mother, until the child is born. A child is totally dependent, protected, and provided for, by God through his mother. It is a very mysterious and blessed stage of life when a married woman goes through the process of becoming a mother.

In the early years, a child is fully attached to his mother. He believes everything which his mother tells him; mother is her whole universe. A mother is also responsible for all the biological, physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of her young child. She gives her best to her child. A child is part of his mother’s body, she sees her child as an extension of herself.

The Bible tells us that God is King, He is the Good Shepherd, He is a caring Father, and a compassionate Mother. He provides for us, He protects us, and He is responsible for all our needs. God cares for us and gives us His best.

God’s only begotten Son is his best, and He has given Him for us to be saved. He never leaves us nor forsakes us.


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