
The Small Giver With A Big Heart

She was a small giver with a big heart; giving her all. She was a sacrificial giver. God looks at your heart. Jesus was in the temple and people were putting in their money, their offerings, in the temple offering box to be used for the work of God.

People were there from all walks of life, come to give according to their income and social status. God blesses a cheerful giver. Giving unto the Lord is a good practice and is a command. It can provide many blessings to the giver. In our times giving is very necessary for the work of world missions.

Jesus was in the temple, watching the rich people giving out of their abundance. Then in came an old widow, very poor, and she put two small coins in the box. Her offering was nothing to compare with what the rich gave. Jesus stated that she had put in all that she had.

God blesses a cheerftul giver. Jesus compares rich and poor. The rich give because they have enough and excessive, so they can give. It doesn’t make a dent in their life if they give out of their abundance. Then there is the poor widow. She has nothing but only two mites or coins and she put in all that she had.

1. Her giving was huge, compared to the rich.

2. It is not the amount which she gave, it was her attitude and the sacrifice she made.

3. She was a sacrificial giver.

4. She was very sincere in her giving, she gave her all.

God is not looking for big givers. Yes, we do need big givers for the work of the Lord but the gift must be given with a humble heart and meek attitude. He is looking for a sincere giver, someone who will give their all. Give their time, talents, and treasure.

The poor widow gave joyfully. She gave out of her scarcity. Even today the work of the church and para-church organizations is supported by the giving of the poor.

Let us give joyfully, sacrificially and regularly for the work of the Lord. God loves a cheerful giver.


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