How to Serve Others for God:
And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant.
Matthew 20:27
Our Lord Jesus Christ shared a golden principle of progress. This principle clashes with the worldly principle, which is different and holds this perspective: Whoever wants to be great among you must dominate all. He must suppress others. It is very essential for one to be proud and arrogant. This is the only way to be great.
To our world the principles of the Kingdom of God seem very strange and awkward. Most people of the world think, “If I behave with humility and meekness then other people will suppress me. That is why it is important to be tough, rigid and arrogant; otherwise people will crush me under their feet.”

Our Lord Jesus Christ washed the feet of his disciples, He gave us a model that there is respect and honor when you serve others.
When you serve others;
You win their hearts.
You make a place in the heart of that other person.
The other person comes close to you.
Your relationships become deep.
You develop a long-term relationship.
The attitude of service must come from the depths of your heart. Nobody can force you to serve others. If you are forced to serve others it will be a compulsion, not from the heart; no good will come of it nor will it have any effect.
What’s the Purpose of Serving Others?
There is greatness in serving others. The humble people serve others and they feel proud and honored by it. By serving others, you experience a very special kind of inner joy and contentment which you cannot achieve by silver and gold.
By serving others, you do not lose your respect but you gain more respect.
Oh Lord, grant me a serving heart that I may joyfully serve you and others. May I serve others without any selfish intentions or motives.